Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

For lack of things to blog about I have decided to write about the events of last night. Mostly a 5-10 minute window but those 5-10 minutes were something special.

My friend Sarah is in town for a few days and has obviously been staying with me. Visitors are fun especially when you like them. As always this means that parking in front of my apartment can be challenging and spots get confused but it is never a big deal because there are plenty of other places to park, like down below my apartment on a section of the "road" no one ever drives on. Sooooo last night when Sarah and I got back from dinner and a movie, that is where I parked. No problem. Been doing that for about a year now. No one has ever told me I should not do this. That is until last night.

We came home and then decided to watch Friends re-runs for the rest of the night. I feel asleep on the couch (surprise surprise) at about 11:30ish. Sarah woke me around 12 and I climbed into bed. I have this strange habit during the winter of always looking out my window for snow before I go to bed. I know, I am ridiculous. Well this time when I peeked through the blinds there was a cop car outside and a few cops walking around. I jumped out of bed and put some more clothes on to see what was going on. I like neighborhood drama. It is horrible but true. I think we all secretly do. I went into the living room and Katie, my room mate, immediately informed me that the cops were actually here for ME. What? They apparently I had parked in a bad spot and they were forcing me to move my car.

At this point I have no idea what is going on. All I want to do is go to bed. Not go outside in below freezing temps in pajama pants and a sweat shirt to talk to cops. But I did. As soon as I walked downstairs I realized that not only was there one cop car outside but THREE and there were FOUR cops standing around with their thumbs in their belt loops doing their best to look threatening. So I approach them and calmly ask what the problem was. Apparently, cars are not supposed to be parked down the hill and they assumed it was a suspicious person prowling around looking for trouble. So they began investigating. Wow, I never thought my 2008 dark blue CR-V with a Young Life sticker on it was that suspicious. I guess I was wrong.

So I went to move my car. Of course it took two cop cars to wait and make sure that I was actually moving my car.

The best part about the whole night? I had my pants on inside out and backwards. Those of you who know me know this happens regularly.

All this to say I am grateful that the Woodfin Police were actually paying attention and trying to do their job. They sure do know how to scare the heck out of a 21 yr old at midnight.

So well done Woodfin Police! I hope you actually stopped real crime last night.

1 comment:

  1. haha, the mental picture of you in your backwards, inside-out pj's will bring me joy for months to come. love you amy noll.
