Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You Can Run but You Can Never Hide

It's a funny thing me being here at Frontier Ranch for the rest of summer. Or is it?.....

Before school let out for summer I had grand plans for the summer. Sort of..I was headed out to do Summer Staff here at Frontier for 3 weeks. Then on to Crooked Creek for a week before heading back to Asheville where I was going to spend a majority of the summer hanging out, maybe working at the Y, and being for the most part, alone. Oh boy. I had a few adventures planned out in my head for sure but none of them probably would have happened if I'm honest.

I think I wrote about how I ended up staying here at Frontier. Well, the story keeps getting ridiculous and has made me believe more and more in the fact that there is a God who is holding me tightly and is trying to show me that he has got everything under control and that I should stop fighting it.
Reasons being too innumerable to tell. But just to name a few. They just happened to not hire an intern to fill the office spot, there happened to be 1 bed open in lower Lariat and it just happened to be in my friend Sarah's room. I just happened to not really have any plans the rest of the summer. I just happened to not have any girls going to Young Life camp, I just happened to not buy concert tickets to a show I wanted to go to. My sister just happens to be a camper her in a few weeks. I could go on.

When looked at individually these things all seem trivial but they are all evidence of a God who has been quietly pursuing me, waiting for me to turn back around and understand that he has never let go of me and is not planning on it anytime soon.
I have only been here for a couple of weeks but in these few weeks I have felt myself being pulled out of the fog that I been in the past 8 months of my life. For the first time in awhile I have felt alive. I feel like going and doing things again. I feel like being crazy and adventurous and it feels good to have that back even if it gets me in trouble every now and again :)

This all being said. It feels good to know that this is where I am supposed to be. Even if I am missing Asheville like crazy. It feels good to be in a safe place. To be able to feel free again and to once again trust that God's goodness will prevail in my life if I just give everything up and run fully and completely after Christ.

Stay tuned for more thoughts of Life at Frontier Ranch 2010....

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