Saturday, September 26, 2009

Killer Bees?

I never believed that killer bees existed...That is until last night. I arrived at my friend Meredith Silver's house last night to find the house infested with "killer" bees. I was greeted by a bee that was, no joking, about an inch long and half an inch wide. I just about ran back out the door, until I saw it was dead. Ten minutes later when I ran upstairs I found 3 more just laying on the ground. I seriously felt like I was in a creepy sci-fi movie. The stingers looked like small daggers and the eyes on these things pop out so far you can see yourself in them. I am not scared of much but I have to say, I got a little concerned. All I could think about was waking up in the middle of the night to a loud buzzing sound followed by a highly painful jab in the face by one or more of these daggers.  Meredith actually experienced all of these things minus being stabbed in the face, thankfully. The whole night we really thought we were being filmed and kept running around the house looking for video cameras of some sort. Another thing about these killer bees, they are almost impossible to kill. Once you are successful in knocking it to the ground, the next step is to pounce on the creature and try to beat it to death. Since sounds like a fairly simple procedure but it is not. These bees are made of steel and titanium. You must swat and stomp, swat and stomp, and yell until they die. And that is just for one. Try trying to kill 20 of them. I tell no lies. 

Here is a not so great picture of the "killer bee." Even though it is not such a great shot, I risked my life to get a quick picture of it.

This is the ring leader, we are quite sure. 

Tonight we locked ourselves in the house hoping the bees wouldn't know we are here. While cruising the web tonight we happened to find out that these "bees" were actually hornets. I don't care. They are still bee like bugs and they look like they could straight up murder me. So far we have been successful. Who knows, maybe the "bees" are regrouping and forming a late night surprise attack. We shall take turns dutifully sitting watch with our killer bee swatter.

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