Monday, August 23, 2010

Primer Dia de Los clases

Yep. That's right. First day back to school (that's what the title says-first day of class). And yes, I realize I am in college and I don't ride a big yellow school bus. I couldn't resist this picture though. I used to ride the bus. I loved it. I had the coolest bus driver ever and I rode bus 13. I miss it so much and you can be sure my kids will be riding the bus.

I've been dreading this day for weeks. I have enjoyed summer so much this year that I'm ready to call it quits on this school business (just kidding Mom and Dad).

Growing up, my lovely mother always woke up at the crack of dawn on the first day of school and cooked us the best breakfast you have ever eaten in your life. Yep, you have never eaten my mom's breakfast but you like it anyways. I always had the first day of school jitters. No idea why. I was really good at school, I had lots of friends, and everybody liked me (so i thought).

Anyways, since graduating I have eaten oatmeal and bagels and/or a poptart on the past first 3 days of college every year. Very anticlimactic I might say.

This morning of course was the first day of classes for the fall semester so I woke up ate my bagel, drank my tea and got ready for my 9AM Portuguese class. Yep, Portuguese.

I left at 8:30 which is about 15 min early than normal because there is construction EVERYWHERE on my route to school. The main highway I take to school is down to one lane in both directions so i avoid it at all cost. Today, everybody seemed to have the same idea as I did. It took me forever to get to school.

Went to Portuguese and felt that familiar first day of class punch in the face, except this time it was in Portuguese. I am a Spanish major and Portuguese is similar but very different. I learned that very quickly. My brain was spinning by the time the class was over. Then I decided it would be a good idea to actually take the harder Portuguese class because it actually counts towards my major. Well that class happens to meet right after the one I had just gotten out of. So...another hour of Portuguese.

Left Portuguese and headed over the campus police office to pick up (and by pick up i mean pay for) a parking pass. Forgot I had to have a copy of my schedule AND proof I paid my semester bill. Well, the website where I needed to get these lovely items was not working so I went to the Bookstore instead. Bought some books, walked out and threw away my bag in a trash can. No big deal. That is until I realized when I was on the other side of campus that I had thrown away my receipt, which I need in order to sell back some of my books.

So I walked back across campus and proceeded to dig through the trash while several dozen people passed by and stared at the crazy girl digging through the trash can on the first day of class.

I then walked back across campus to the library and on the way I happened to accidently walk through freshly laid sod around which there were several signs saying not to do so. Oops.

Finally made it to the library. And to my other class. Then I went to the gym and decided I would finish the day riding the stationary bike and lifting weights. I forgot to check out a towel and so I sweated all over the machine and the floor and anything around me. It is kind of disgusting how much I sweat. Sometimes I think it probably isn't healthy. It is probably why I have to drink about 50 gallons of water a day to feel hydrated. I'm the reason that we could run out of clean drinking water some day.

Finally finished working out and came home to my lovely apartment and about kissed the ground because I no longer have to live in a dorm room in my life. I enjoyed it but I quickly learned that I was not made to live in a dorm room. I would if I had to but it is certainly nice to have a place where I lay down on the floor without fear of contracting some kind of funky disease.

All in all I made it through day 1. Day 2 should be interesting for sure. I'm not going to lie I was eating dinner tonight and realized that I had started school. Completely forgot that I had classes to attend tomorrow. Oh well...

Don't be a stranger summer....

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