Monday, May 24, 2010


Today I had to break into my own apartment.

I was on my way out the door to go for a run. at Beaver Lake. I turned the bottom lock and walked outside slamming the door behind me. As soon as it clicked shut I realized that I had grabbed my phone, wallet, hair band, and iPod but somehow I failed to grab my keys, the only thing I actually needed. Immediately I remembered that I had left the door to the small patio porch we have wide open. I thought if there was some way I could climb up to the second story I could just hop over the railing and walk inside.

I tried calling my room mate, Katie, but her phone kept sending me to voicemail. I then proceeded to go downstairs and enlist the help of the lovely lady that lives below us. She immediately started brainstorming with me ways to get me up to my porch. She told me to try and use a gift card to pop open the door. So I did. Thanks City of Boerne Library Card for being completely unsuccessful.
Then She offered me her small step ladder, a thin long rope, a broom, and a gardening claw. I attached the claw to the broom with rubber bands and masking tape and used it to help tie the rope around the railing up above. It was at once apparent that I would be unable to use the rope. At this point one of my other neighbors had come home and came over to see what was going on. She offered the use of her Jeep. So we backed it up right under the porch. Unfortunately, I didn't get to snap a picture of the complete set up but I did get the Jeep and the porch:

As you can see it is a pretty high climb. No idea how i managed it.

We placed a rug on top of the Jeep and then positioned the step ladder up on the top. I climbed up to the top of the step ladder and some how managed to jump/grap/twist/pull/claw my way up to the top of the porch. I threw myself over the side of the rail in victory. It felt like a movie moment and I was the stunt man. Definitely suffered a few bruises and cuts from the climb. Worth it.

The whole process only took about 20 minutes from beginning to end but it felt like forever. I went inside and found my keys; in my closet, on the floor under some clothes. How they ended up there I have no idea.

All in all this afternoon turned out to be quite eventful. I got to use my crazy weird improv skills and learned to always check for my keys before leaving (like that's gonna happen)

Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors and rainless afternoons.

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