You might be wondering what the heck the title of this blog post comes from. Good! I'll tell you. It is actually the title to a Calvin & Hobbes comic book. Here is the cover

I LOVED reading Calvin & Hobbes growing up. Don't know why? I really couldn't understand half the stuff they talked about. I think what I like most about it was that Calvin really was a kid. He did dumb things and knew how to take it easy. Right now I'm feeling a bit like Calvin. I can't seem to focus on school to save my life (don't worry Mom & Dad I'm letting it go too far). I just want to be free and sit and do nothing or be free to do everything. Free to think and free to not think. I want to look exactly like Calvin & Hobbes. Stupid comparison I know. But just go with it.
I will make it through finals and it will be fabulous. And then I will empty my head of all school related material and stuff my face with Tex-Mex until I cannot breath, hang out with friends and family, and stay up way too late doing mostly unproductive things. I cannot wait for my days to be packed with nonsense, hopefully some rest, and good time with family.
So here's to you Calvin!

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